War – Why Did Life Just Get Harder?
Also available as an e-book
Mez McConnell talks about the First Steps Series
All too often, our heads can feel like they are caught in a dark, lonely battle between what we want to do and what we know we should do. God feels distant and we feel dirty. The second book in the First Steps series tackles the fundamental, day–to–day difficulties experienced by every Christian, and looks at the question Why Did Life Just Get Harder?
Other books in the First Steps series include:
- TRAINING — How do I grow as a Christian?, by Isaac Adams
- BELIEVE — What Should I Know?, by Mike McKinley
- BIBLE — Can We Trust It?, by Andrew Mathieson
- CHARACTER — How Do I Change, by Sharon Dickens
- CHURCH — Do I have to Go?, by Garrett Kell
- GOD — Is He Out There?, by Mez McConnell
- VOICES — Who am I Listening To?, by Andy Prime